Tech News

Apple Watch Cellular vs. GPS: What's the difference?

When considering an Apple Watch, you have two variants to choose from GPS and GPS + Cellular. At first sight, you wouldn't be able to tell the differences, but on close inspection, the only physical difference you will find is that the cellular version has a red ring around the Digital Crown. And that's about it, but it's what's inside that makes the difference. Find out which one is best for you in your full review.  

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Which Apple Watch Should You Buy in 2022?
Which Apple Watch to buy in 2022? Apple watches have been a staple in fashion, and people around the world admire the apple watch for that. So here is a comprehensive list of Apple Watch models that you can buy in 2022. Choose the one best fit your lifestyle.
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Apple Watch Series 7 - What We Know!
We are just a few weeks away from the rumoured Apple Keynote event where the new Apple Watch Series 7 would be unveiled ahead of the new iPhone 13 which we will see in October. So it’s not too long now before we can proudly sport a new Apple Watch. But what can we expect to see? Here’s what we’ve gathered from the almighty internet.
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